~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vote Green Web Ring & Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Minnesotan for a politics of meaning
  I am a green-leaning independent from Minneapolis. I cover mainly state issues - but also global environmental and nonviolence/antiwar news. I am particularly adamant in getting the extremist Republicans and complacent Democrats out of office.
Gordon Dumont's Site
  Site promoting the candidacy of Larry Zepp for the Green Party, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.
Why We Must Act
  Melting icecaps, global warming: time to act.
DuPage County Green Party
  The DuPage County local of the Illinois Green Party.
Green Party of Sonoma County - A Green Community
  The offical website of the Green Party of Sonoma County, California
The Green Equestrian
  An "outpost" for all equestrians seriously involved or interested in "green." An equestrian knowledge-base dedicated to environmental issues in the equine industry as well as to the maintenance and preservation of the cultural factor HORSE.

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