~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vote Green Web Ring & Directory ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Campus Greens
  Campus Greens is a national student-based, non-profit organization dedicated to building a broad-based movement for radical democracy on America
Minnesotan for a politics of meaning
  I am a green-leaning independent from Minneapolis. I cover mainly state issues - but also global environmental and nonviolence/antiwar news. I am particularly adamant in getting the extremist Republicans and complacent Democrats out of office.
Green Bloggers
  Green and Environmental Bloggers from around the world.
It's Time For a Change!
  It\'s time we put our nation back on the road to democracy. Resources on government and election reform; the difference between liberals, moderates, & conservatives; finding the right party and candidate, and more.
Vote Wilder - New York State Senate
  Kimberly Wilder is leading campaign to become a senator for the state of New York.
NewsFollowUp.com, TransparencyPlanet.com
  Promote transparency in governmnet and business, keep headlines alive
Green Party Watch
  America's number one source for Green Party news and views.
Larry Cafiero for Insurance Commissioner 2006
  The Green Party's candidate for Insurance Commissioner in California.

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